Yoga Teacher Training

Registered with Yoga Alliance RYT 200 hours
Registered with the  Ministry of Education of Thailand

Hatha is Hatha Yoga ?

The Hindi word hatha means 'obstinate'. But the meaning
of hatha yoga is not 'obstinate yoga', though some people
might regard it as being so. The word hatha is composed
of two syllables, namely ha and tha. Ha means the 'sun'
and tha means the 'moon'. Yoga means communion.
Thus hatha yoga means the harmony between the sun and
moon aspects of our being. The right nostril is connected with
the sun aspect; the left is associated with the moon aspect.
The moon rules over the mental functions, while the sun
controls the vital and physical functions. This applies to
everyone and is a basic tenet of yoga. The two nostrils have
a deeper association with the flow of prana within our being.
It is this flow of prana that ultimately influences the mental
and physical functions. If the moon flow is predominant,
then one tends to think too much. If the sun flow is
predominant there is a tendency towards extroversion
and physical activity. physically. This is a natural process.
However, for perfect mental and physical balance the sun
flow should predominate for a total of about twelve hours
and the moon flow for the other twelve hours in each day.
This ensures a balanced personality with neither too much
ntroversion nor too much extroversion. The balance of
these two is essential and is the basic aim of hatha yoga.


What is pranayama ?

The definition of pranayama is usually given as breath control.
Though this may seem a fair interpretation in the light of the
practices involved, it does not convey the full significance of
pranayama. Though oxygen is a form of prana, pranayama
is more concerned with influencing the more subtle forms
of prana. As such one should not make the mistake of
regarding pranayama as merely breathing exercises.
Of course the practices do improve the introduction of oxygen
into the physical body and the removal of carbon dioxide.
Of this there is no doubt, and this in itself brings about
wonderful physiological benefits. But pranayama actually
utilizes the breathing process as a means to manipulate
all forms of prana within the human framework whether
gross or subtle. This in turn has repercussions on the
mind and the physical body.


What is prana ?

Without prana nothing can exist or function, everything is a
prana is myriad of different shades and forms. Without prana
there is no life furthermore without prana it is not possible to
practice yoga asana. There are five different prana works
in human prana sheath of body. Apana is located below
the navel region and provides energy for the large intestine,
kidneys, anus and genitals. It is concerned with the expulsion
of waste from the body Samana is located between the heart
and the navel. It activates and controls the digestive system
the liver, intestines, pancreas and stomach, and their secretions.
Samana also activates the heart and circulatory system, and is
responsible for the assimilation and distribution of nutrients.
Udana controls the area of the body above the neck, activating
all the sensory receptors such as the eyes, nose and cars.
Thought and consciousness of the outside world would be
impossible without it. Udana also harmonises and activates
the limbs and all their associated muscles, ligaments, nerves
and joints, as well as being responsible for the erect posture
of the body. Vyana pervades the whole body, regulating and
controlling all movement, and coordinating the other pranas.
It acts as the reserve force for the other pranas. Along with
the five major pranas there are five minor pranas known as
the upa-pranas. These five sub-pranas are: naga, koorma,
krikara, devadatta and dhananjaya. Their functions are
described as follows. Naga is responsible for belching and
hiccups. Koorma opens the eyes and stimulates blinking.
Krikara generates hunger, thirst, sneezing and coughing.
Devadatta induces sleep and yawning. Dhananjaya lingers
immediately after death and is responsible for decomposition
of the body.

Why should we practice pranayama ?

Pranayama brings new levels of awareness by stopping
or restraining distractions of the mind. In other words, it is the
continual conflict within the mind that prevents us from
experiencing higher states or dimensions of awareness.
Pranayama practices reduce thoughts, conflicts, etc. in the
mind to a minimum and can even stop the mind proces- ses
completely. This restraint of mental activities allows one to
know higher levels of existence. Let us take an analogy.
If we stand in a room and look at the sun through a dirty
window then we don't see and feel the rays of the sun in
its purity. If we clean the window then we see the sun in
its true glory. The mind in its normal state is the dirty window.
Pranayama cleans the mind and allows the consciousness
to come through unobstructed. It becomes obvious that
pranayama means far more than breath control.


Cleansing teachnique - SHATKARMA


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